WinC Newsletter

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Interested in our news? Take a look at our newsletters! We send this every now and then over email, but you can find them here as well!

1st Newsletter of WinC: 08/Oct/2024

Hi, everyone!

Welcome to our WinC newsletter! We have exciting news to share in this issue:

  • Call for allies to join Discord
  • Call for organizers for a WinC event at Asiacrypt’24
  • Call for newsletter writers
  • Report on the WinC Crypto’24 Workshop
  • DEI event at CCS’24


📣 Allies can now join our Discord server! We are excited to announce that the WinC Discord server is now open to allies! 🥳 After joining, you have to simply introduce yourself in the #👉-get-your-role channel, mentioning that you are an ally, in order to get the role ally that allows you to have access to the mixed channels between WinC and allies.

📣 We are looking for organizers for an event at Asiacrypt 24! Asiacrypt’ 24 notifications are out. We hope your paper(s) got accepted and sympathize if they didn’t! 💜 If you, Winc or ally, are planning on attending Asiacrypt’ 24 and would like to help organize a WinC event, reach out! The event does not have to be a workshop but can take any form you would like (lunch, coffee break, panel,...?), we just believe that it is important to have a WinC presence at Asiacrypt too. We already have a team working on it, but they can really use any extra help! You can contact us using the information at the end of the newsletter or by expressing your interest on the #asiacrypt channel on Discord. If you are keen on organizing WinC events at upcoming conferences too, feel free to contact us as well.

📣 We are looking for volunteers to help with writing the newsletter: You’ve been reading this newsletter and thought about a couple things that could have been done better? Think no further! We are looking for volunteer(s) to help us write it. Whether you are a Winc or an ally, we are looking for someone to help write these short newsletter every couple of months to inform the community about our activities.


🌎 WinC at Crypto’24: After a successful first edition at Eurocrypt’24 in the Women & Allies in Cryptography discussions, we had another workshop at Crypto’24. Despite the beautiful weather competing with us on Tuesday afternoon, we had an attendance of about 40 people divided in three discussion groups centered around the following themes:

  • Organizing an inclusive conference: visibility and code of conduct
  • Low representation, high demand: the consequences of belonging to a minority
  • Allyship: from belief to actions

You can find a video of the discussions’ summary here. We had an overwhelming participation of the youngest members of our community, and while their enthusiasm and dedication is heartwarming, we would greatly appreciate the additional support of senior members for future events.

🌎 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion event at CCS’24: There is an exciting DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) workshop organized at CCS this year, independently of WinC. Make sure to register if you are attending CCS! The relevant information shared by the organizers can be found below:

That’s all for this time!